CNS Orphaned Volumes – Quick Tip – Using CNS Self Service Manager in vSphere with Tanzu (TKGS)


I’ve been working with vSphere with Tanzu for a while now and I’ve encountered numerous instances where Orphaned Volumes and / or Orphaned Snapshots were dangling in the environment.

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a tool to magically list all those dangling volumes? Good news! There is one! Developed by VMware:

Cloud Native Storage – Self Service Manager

This tool is installed as a Replicaset in your Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster. If you have multiple Tanzu Kubernetes Clusters (TKCs) then it’s advised to install it on your ‘Shared Services / Admin’ TKC. So that you can connect centrally other TKCs into the centrally installed CNS – Self Service Manager Solution.

It’s an API based product! Meaning in order to interact with it you have the following options:

  • Using the Swagger UI
  • Using any other API Request Tool like Postman, curl, …

We will be deploying it using the following settings:

  • Auth Type: Basic Auth (alternative is OAUTH2)
  • Ingress: Nodeport (alternative is LB)
  • TLS Secured: No TLS (alternative is TLS Secured)

All the Options are explained here.

What will we be doing in this Blog Post?

  1. Gathering the Requirements
  2. Deploying CNS – Self Service Manager
  3. Adding a TKC
  4. Listing Orphaned Volumes / Snapshots

So let’s get started!

WARNING! Use different Settings for Production Usage (e.g.: Turn TLS ON, use OAUTH2 and a LoadBalancer)

Gathering the Requirements

  1. Start by browsing to the CNS – Self Service Manager Github page & download the Code as Zip File. Make sure to unzip it in a folder of your likings
  2. Once unzipped enter your vCenter IP Address & Credentials in the following file:

    "vc": "",
    "user": "administrator@vsphere.local",
    "password": "<your-pw-here>"
  3. Provide a KubeConfig file for the TKC you would like to scan Orphaned Volumes / Snapshots on.
    This can be done either by executing the CNS – Self Service Manager provided script or by providing your current credentials from your kubeconfig like so:
    kubectl config view --raw
    And copy the contents you need for your TKC; save it in:
    apiVersion: v1
    - cluster:
    certificate-authority-data: <ca-data>
    - context:
    user: wcp:
    name: tkc-shared-services
    current-context: tkc-shared-services
    kind: Config
    preferences: {}
    - name: wcp:
    token: <token>
  4. Choose a Username and Password for accessing the CNS – Self Service Manager Swagger UI & API
    username: mike | password: myverysecurepassword

You’re all set!

Deploying CNS – Self Service Manager

Let’s deploy the solution!

  1. Make sure to connect to your TKC where you would like to host the solution
  2. Once connected, browse to the ‘/deploy’ folder and execute the following:
    ./ cns-manager ../config/sv_kubeconfig ../config/vc_creds.json basicauth false 'mike' 'myverysecurepassword'
  3. What does this all mean?
    ./ <the-namespace> <the_kubeconfig_file> <the_vcenter_creds> <a_worker_node_ip>:<a_nodeport_port> <auth_type> <use_certificates?> <basic-auth-username> <basic-auth-password>
  4. If you are running on a TKC which is not using PSP anymore but leveraging PSA, make sure to add the following label to the cns-manager namespace after deployment:
    k edit cns-manager
    Add Label: privileged
    So that it looks like this:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
      creationTimestamp: "2024-06-17T08:12:25Z"
      labels: cns-manager privileged
      name: cns-manager
      resourceVersion: "52025096"
      uid: 9ed5b091-7ab2-4ac4-8db7-700f8ced43e2
      - kubernetes
      phase: Active
  5. We now should see Pods coming up!
    k get pods -n cns-manager

    NAME                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    cns-manager-766b66586b-x7x7n   3/3     Running   0          35m

Nice! Let’s go to the next step.

Add a TKC

Now let’s add a Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster to our CNS – Self Service Manager solution!

Before we can do this, we should obtain the ‘Kubernetes cluster id’ used by our vSphere CSI to identify the cluster. Here’s how:

  1. Make sure to connect to your TKC where you would like to detect Orphaned Volumes / Snapshots from
  2. Describe the following ConfigMap ‘pvcsi-config’:
    k describe cm -n vmware-system-csi pvcsi-config
  3. Look for the entry stating ‘tanzukubernetescluster-uid’ and copy the ID

Now let’s use the API of the CNS – Self Service Manager in order to register our TKC.

  1. Browse to the Swagger UI website:
    (Using Postman or Curl? The Backend API Calls themselves are accessible through the ‘/1.0.0/’ suffix; example: http://<tkc_woker_node_or_LB_IP&gt;:30008/1.0.0)
  2. Register the Cluster by executing the ‘/registercluster’ API call and providing your Cluster ID and the KubeConfig file we generated earlier:
  3. This should return a 200 success!

You’re all set!

Listing Orphaned Volumes / Snapshots

This is easy! Now that our CNS – Self Service Manager Solution is deployed and our TKC is added, we can list all the Orphaned Volumes / Snapshots in our Environment!

  1. Browse to the Swagger UI website:
    (Using Postman or Curl? The Backend API Calls themselves are accessible through the ‘/1.0.0/’ suffix; example: http://<tkc_woker_node_or_LB_IP&gt;:30008/1.0.0)
  2. List the Orphaned Volumes by executing the API call ‘GET /orphanvolumes’:
  3. List the Orphaned Snapshots by executing the API call ‘GET /orphansnapshots’:
  4. (Optional) Delete the Orphaned Volumes / Snapshots by executing their respective API call:
    • DELETE /orphanvolumes
    • DELETE /orphansnapshots

Be cautious!

Hope it helps! 🙂

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